Planning amid uncertainty in waste forecasting

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DEFRA has announced plans to cap the growth of England’s incineration capacity, predicting that by 2035, the country will have more capacity than needed.

“For far too long, the nation has seen its recycling rates stagnate and relied on burning household waste,” said Circular Economy Minister Mary Creagh. “Rather than supporting communities to keep resources in use for longer.”

More Recycling, Less Incinerating

At Endurance, we fully support this move toward a greener future. However, with incineration limited and municipal waste expected to rise, there will be new challenges for local authorities. In fact, many councils we work with are already seeking clarity from the government and practical solutions to adapt.

Policy Interventions to Reshape the Sector

Defra has three key policy reforms that aim to move England towards a more circular economy in the coming years:

  • Extended Producer Responsibility (2025): Shifts responsibility onto producers for the lifecycle of their packaging
  • Simpler Recycling Implementation (2025-2027): Standardises recycling systems across the country for greater efficiency (we discuss it here)
  • Deposit Return Scheme (2027): Encourages recycling with financial incentives for returning items like bottles and cans (learn more here)

Combined, these measures are expected to cut municipal residual waste by as much as 18% by 2035 (compared to 2020 levels) – an ambitious but achievable forecast requiring a sector-wide effort.

Preparing for the Unpredictable

While the sector is moving in the right direction, even Defra’s own analysis highlights uncertainty in future municipal waste trends, making adaptability crucial. At EVS, we’re committed to supporting councils with a flexible fleet of RCVs, available for hire or purchase, ensuring local authorities can adapt to evolving legislation and demand.

Ready to prepare for tomorrow’s challenges today? Get in touch with our Sales Team to explore how EVS can support your waste management strategy.

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