Euro Regs Refresher

PLANS for Euro 7 regulations were first outlined in 2022 but have changed dramatically since. So too has the expected date for its introduction. Here’s a quick Euro Regs Refresher:

Euro 7 are a set of rules created by the European Council that define the maximum limit of emissions for all new vehicles sold across Europe and the UK. It was expected that Euro 7 would be in place by July 2025. However, since the European Council only officially adopted the regulations in April 2024, implementation is likely to be much closer to the end of 2026 or the start of 2027.

Euro 7 rules will be stricter than Euro 6 as the EU strives to hit its target of completely removing CO2 emissions from its roads by 2035:

  • Where Euro 6 focused on tailpipe emissions, Euro 7 also factors in brake particle and tyre abrasion targets.
  • Euro 6 had different emissions standards for cars/vans (Euro 6) and lorries/buses (Euro VI). Under Euro 7, all vehicles will be regulated under one emissions standard.
  • Euro 6 was based on Standard Real Driving Emissions (RDE) guidelines. Euro 7 will use an enhanced set of RDE scenarios that include hot weather conditions and shorter trips.
  • Vehicles are required to comply with emissions limits for a defined vehicle lifetime. They call this ‘Durability’. Under Euro 6, that lifetime was set at 100km or five years. Under Euro 7, that will be doubled to 200km and 10 years.

Endurance will ensure your vehicles comply with the regulations (and likely some of the stricter targets within your local authority too), so your fleet choices won’t be affected. What will be affected – positively – is the air quality for your residents.

Although the main greenhouse gas produced by internal combustion-powered vehicles is carbon dioxide (CO2), they also produce methane and nitrous oxide (NOx) which is linked to myriad health issues, including respiratory diseases. Once in place, it is hoped that Euro 7 will help to reduce NOx emissions by 35% from cars and vans, and as much as 56% from lorries and buses. Euro 7 is targeting 13% (cars and vans) and 27% (lorries and buses) reductions in tailpipe emissions overall.

There are likely to be a few more twists and turns yet before Euro 7 reaches implementation. However, as the majority of Endurance fleet vehicles frequently operate within urban and metropolitan areas, the UK’s progress towards a cleaner environment is something very close to our hearts, minds and fleet development strategy. Rest assured, we will ensure our customers across the UK remain at the forefront of specialist commercial fleet capability, including Euro 7 compliance.

We will, of course, keep you updated every step of the way. Make sure you follow us on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on this and other industry matters over the coming months.

If you’d like more information on emissions regulations or how to transition to a cleaner fleet with Endurance, get in touch.